Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tin / metal soda can flowers

Pinterest is driving me insane. I keep finding these wonderful little ideas and they torture me, because I got to retrieve one idea to do it.. and I find 5 more calling out to me just as loud. So, today I decided I would do a few of several ideas.. but for some freaking reason I decided to make these flowers from tin cans, and had to do them first.

Let me say .. these guys look so much better in person, esp that one on the right, and I suspect they will make marvelous fridge magnets because of their fullness.

 I made one from a beer can, and another from a mini diet coke, that is what this can is in the picture.. they are pretty small.
We rarely have cans since we don't really drink soda or beer... but I had the beer can sitting in my house for the past two months ever since I made these awful cheddar cheese soup. The soup was so yucky.. I figure I have to do something with the can.. so here it is.

Using my tin snips (if thats what they are, scissors cut this stuff pretty well too...) I basically cut thriough the pop top opening, and cut off the top. I cut it down the side, and then cut off the bottom. So then you can lay the can flat like the picture. from there you will need a few circles of different sizes. I just freely cut them out... I am not a perfectionist by any stretch of the imagination.

It should look like this one..   

 I punch a tiny hole in the center of each one with my cropodile (you could also use a hammer and nail to punch through). For the larger circle I made a slit in it so I could reach the middle with my cropadile.

Then I cut slits around each circle,some I did more some less, the smallest circle I did about 3.
The slits you make are the beggingings of your pedal, so then you just need to round the tips like how this is started.

I then curled each one a little bit on the sides, and dented it slightly in the middle. They should look a bit like flowers when that is done.

I put a tiny brad (paper clasp) through the smallest and fed the next larger onto that one and so on. Close the brad.,.. and there ya go!

You could spray paint these guys but I love the way you see the advertising. I may make some with my lovely irish oatmeal can next.

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