So I am taking the Demeng class on making Pez Totems. I think I need some personal instruction. I have been working on some of these since day 1.. here they are....(oh and none are done)

These are the most recent .. just started tonight. They are looking ok. I think I need to focus on less monstery pez. The one on the left was a little chikidee duck and the left was Kermnit.. I kept his smile.

On the left is Skeleton Head. Due to the way his head is postioned you really don't get to see him too clearly. He needs work. He has a milagros on his chest, skeleton arms and he is holding a tiny skeleton head. He used to be Kermit.
On the right is the back of my skeleton head.. he has some very cool colors and textures going on.

This guy is devilish. I don't know why his eyes photograph white.. its kind of creepy cause they are really brown/red like the rest of his face.

This is a close up on his horns.. I think they look pretty cool. He used to be a jack-o-latern pez.

This guy looks a lot different then the photo. I tried taking it several times. The paint must be reflective, but its almost like the camera is showing you the underlayers of the paint rather then the too coat.. which is purplish red. He reminds me of that movie Beetlejuice. He used to be Frosty the Snowman Pez.
I know none of these are looking to grand but hopefully in time they will be.
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