So, I am in this Valentine goody swap, I am surprising myself that I am doing this since I am still waiting on my Christmas goody swap box too show up. The person said she mailed it... late.. but that was Jan 6th. I do like to beleive it will be here any moment and I am going to be so delighted.
I have not had much luck with swaps lately, between the Christmas goody box not showing up, and the christmas matchbox boxes, one no show, one came long after Christmas (but it was lovely).
Not in such a good mood either, still hurting from my injury last fall.
Hmm not very impresive in the photo either. It has little legs and antique sides. the top velcros close. those flowers (lol) they do not look so dreary to me in person! |
So, as too keep busy I am doing this... So far I have used a large matchbox I began altering during the holdiays, did a few... I also decorated a little notebook to go in it, ... but it dosn't fit! I made some clips for the notebook too. trying to come up with some other ideas to put in it.. got some fun stuff from the dollar store (self inflating balloon, erasers) and some candy. Anyhooo... blah blah blah.. here is the picture..
think I will have to do more to this box.... no rest for the weary. oh, and here is the book...

I may be doing this over again too. I am trying to find out if I can cleanly cut one of these tiny notebooks in half. If so, will re-do.. would love it to fit in the box. Also, it is was coordinating.., but it sure as heck does not look like it does from these pictures!