This is just a few of them, the rest are still naked. They are scented with a "brown sugar" scent, smells lucious! This was my first time making these suckers, very simple but easy to mess up. Just 2 ingrediants really, citric acid and baking soda, but you will need witch hazel and a scent on hand as well. I picked up my citric acid dirt cheap online from "Bulk Apocathary" in Ohio, it was 4 bucks., gotmy scent there as well.
if you want to try them do a small amount first. Take 1/3 cup of citric acid to 2/3 cup of baking soda, mix it very well or it will be grainy. Add a few drops of scent (enough to please your nose). Spray (and I do mean spray) some witch hazel into the mix. Don't wet it! Just a little and keep mixing it with your other hand. If it will clump together at all you are done!. My first batch I went to far and the darn things kept growing like pizza dough.. although I suspect I can still save some of those dough balls. Then you want to pack it into a plastic mold. I used old easter egges, you can use those plastic ornaments or whatever else. I found I could roll some of mine up like a meatball. Let it sit in the mold for a short while then pop it out and let them continue to harden. I waited a tad too long.. was not fun to get out!.. I made these also as part of a swap..... hope somebody likes em!